July 30, 2019No Comments


I’ve been an avid motor­bike rid­er since I was old enough to ride legal­ly (a few times before that too, but I digress). Sad­ly I’ve been rid­ing less and less in the last few years. I’ve also nev­er real­ly enjoyed road-rid­ing in the UK that much – well, most­ly south­ern Eng­land to be honest. 

Nowa­days I tend to either spend qual­i­ty time on track or trav­el­ing abroad when possible.
Rid­ing back and forth with­in Italy and the UK, cross­ing the Alps in Switzer­land, is a rel­a­tive­ly com­mon occurrence.
This East­er, with a friend we decid­ed to board the fer­ry from Portsmouth to Bil­bao, cross the Pyre­nees (weath­er per­mit­ting) and then point back to London.

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April 30, 2019No Comments

Here we go again.

I grew up online. I have quite an exten­sive dig­i­tal foot­print, I’ve also kept a blog (www.jnkmail.com) in glo­ri­ous bro­ken Eng­lish from the ear­ly 2000s till I got sucked up, like many, in the first wave of social media – prey of short quips on Face­book and the like.

I grew up online. And then grew old­er (a grumpy old man) see­ing this mag­nif­i­cent tool we had reduced to a cesspit.
I design dig­i­tal prod­ucts for a liv­ing today, and my activ­i­ties online over the years sort of helped/shaped what my career is today and, to an extent, where I end­ed up liv­ing (the ever sun­ny Lon­don town).

Writ­ing here is prob­a­bly part detox­ing from the afore­men­tioned cesspit I can­not stand any­more (or recoil­ing back in nos­tal­gia of the good ‘ol sim­pler days of the web – ‘mem­ber?), part hav­ing a space where to share, and keep archived, pet projects, dis­cov­er­ies, thoughts, rants – lots of rants, trust me – about design, dig­i­tal, and (pos­si­bly) motor­bikes… in bet­ter Eng­lish this time.

Good night & good luck.