October 2, 2019No Comments


On the way back from Cor­si­ca this sum­mer, er route to meet a cou­ple of friends to ride Furka­pass, Grim­sel­pass, Neufen­pass, Susten­pass (aka the Swiss Roller­coast­er), I took a small detour along a few grav­el roads cross­ing the Alps.

The ini­tial plan was to cross through Col du Parpail­lon, then ride along the Assi­et­ta and pro­ceed towards Susa. Sad­ly the Assi­et­ta is closed for work until next sum­mer and I was able to explore just a very small sec­tion of it (just after the crest). The Parpail­lon was open, and the sun­ny weath­er made for an amaz­ing ride.

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July 30, 2019No Comments


I’ve been an avid motor­bike rid­er since I was old enough to ride legal­ly (a few times before that too, but I digress). Sad­ly I’ve been rid­ing less and less in the last few years. I’ve also nev­er real­ly enjoyed road-rid­ing in the UK that much – well, most­ly south­ern Eng­land to be honest. 

Nowa­days I tend to either spend qual­i­ty time on track or trav­el­ing abroad when possible.
Rid­ing back and forth with­in Italy and the UK, cross­ing the Alps in Switzer­land, is a rel­a­tive­ly com­mon occurrence.
This East­er, with a friend we decid­ed to board the fer­ry from Portsmouth to Bil­bao, cross the Pyre­nees (weath­er per­mit­ting) and then point back to London.

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