“Intro­duc­ing” might be a wee bit pre­ten­tious. Just a bit.
I Love Your Work is going to be a month­ly col­lec­tion of links to (most­ly) design and pho­tog­ra­phy work that I admire.
The kind of beau­ti­ful stuff that makes you feel both com­plete­ly worth­less and inspires you to do bet­ter next time. 

In the first batch of links for this Octo­ber:
The bril­liant self por­trai­ture of Juno Calyp­so, and some more about her work on the British Jour­nal of Pho­tog­ra­phy.

Juno Calypso - The Honeymoon

Zhenya Rynzhuk’s stun­ning port­fo­lio site. Found via Val Head­’s UI Ani­ma­tion newslet­ter.

Der­ry Bir­kett. UX Design and a very inter­est­ing col­lec­tion of blog posts, both on the site direct­ly and, lat­er, on Medi­um.

Lucas Zan­ot­to. Check his Insta­gram fil­ters too!

Ian Howorth’s pho­tog­ra­phy places south east Eng­land in a delight­ful­ly dark cin­e­mat­ic dimension.

While on the theme of cre­ativ­i­ty (risky word), in today’s era of most­ly cor­po­rate-anaes­thetized con­tent, art, and cen­sored nip­ples, it is worth to sit back and relive the amaz­ing­ly chaot­ic cre­ative process of the leg­endary Nation­al Lam­poon mag­a­zine via Dough Ken­ney’s life sto­ry and the sto­ries about the mak­ing of Ani­mal House. 

Doug Kenney and Chris Miller

In par­tic­u­lar order:
Fat, Drunk, and Stu­pid by Mat­ty Sim­mons;
Drunk Stoned Bril­liant Dead: The Sto­ry of the Nation­al Lam­poon;
A Futile and Stu­pid Ges­ture, on Netflix.