Assort­ed links from around the web for the first week of August.
Great, tidy, prod­uct design port­fo­lio site:
Thi­a­go Dalcin

Prod­uct relat­ed & gen­er­al geek­ery:
The 8 point grid
Ambush (Dig­i­tal Prod­uct Stu­dio)
The Ori­gin of HyperCard

Rhythm in design is every­thing,
I’m aware I’m clear­ly fail­ing at it at the moment:
Ver­ti­cal Rhythm in Sketch

Design ❤️
Ven­mo’s Iden­ti­ty Refresh
IBM’s Plex Type­face
New Iden­ti­ty for Corre­os (Span­ish mail ser­vice)
Link – Idee per la TV (sim­ply beau­ti­ful)
Scope Design Con­fer­ence App