Given my well documented obsession with everything using e‑ink, I couldn’t miss Bryan Boyer’s Very Slow Movie Player.
God is in the details.
Do not miss Sean Conway’s stunning maps with 3D rendered elevation data. Prints available on his web shop here.

Elephant Magazine: Aneta Bartos: Family Portrait 2015 – 2018
From the age of eight, Aneta Bartos was raised by her father alone in a small city in Poland. In 2013 Bartos, who now lives in New York, spent the summer back in her hometown shooting her father, a competitive bodybuilder. “At the age sixty-eight, my father asked me to take a couple of shots documenting his body,” Bartos explains. “He has been involved in competitive bodybuilding for over half a century, and wanted to be immortalized in a beautiful and artistic way before his body degenerated.”

And back deep into digital geekyness:
Interface in Game: an online library of UI in gaming.
Hyper P.T. is the recreation of Kojima’s P.T. using Apple’s Hypercard.
Ryan Trawick explains here how he rebuilt the game in great detail.

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