Giv­en my well doc­u­ment­ed obses­sion with every­thing using e‑ink, I could­n’t miss Bryan Boy­er’s Very Slow Movie Play­er.
God is in the details.

Do not miss Sean Con­way’s stun­ning maps with 3D ren­dered ele­va­tion data. Prints avail­able on his web shop here.

Ele­phant Mag­a­zine: Ane­ta Bar­tos: Fam­i­ly Por­trait 2015 – 2018
From the age of eight, Ane­ta Bar­tos was raised by her father alone in a small city in Poland. In 2013 Bar­tos, who now lives in New York, spent the sum­mer back in her home­town shoot­ing her father, a com­pet­i­tive body­builder. “At the age six­ty-eight, my father asked me to take a cou­ple of shots doc­u­ment­ing his body,” Bar­tos explains. “He has been involved in com­pet­i­tive body­build­ing for over half a cen­tu­ry, and want­ed to be immor­tal­ized in a beau­ti­ful and artis­tic way before his body degenerated.”

And back deep into dig­i­tal geeky­ness:
Inter­face in Game: an online library of UI in gaming.

Hyper P.T. is the recre­ation of Koji­ma’s P.T. using Apple’s Hyper­card.
Ryan Traw­ick explains here how he rebuilt the game in great detail.